Couples & Marriage Therapy
Couples & Marriage Therapy
Our process begins with a complimentary 20-minute phone or video consultation, where we will discuss your therapy needs and the application of our approach to your presenting problems. We will begin with three 90-minute intake sessions, one for each individual, and a final intake for the couple to discuss future sessions collaboratively. This primary assessment phase will cover foundational, medical, and psychological background.
In the four following sessions, we will begin the observation phase, where we start to deepen our understanding of the presenting problems and discuss the topics brought forward in the intake sessions in weekly 75-minute or 90-minute sessions. Then, the intervention phase begins in session five and onwards, where the interpretation and analysis of the first few sessions are utilized to address the presenting problems by facilitating problem resolution through interventions. Lastly, the reorientation phase, which aims to develop mechanisms to use in daily life.