
  • Sessions are typically weekly or twice a week, based on the treatment plan. The first session is an intake session, and the client has the option of a 75-minute or 50-minute session afterward.

    • Psychotherapy Session | 50 minutes | $150 - $160

    • Intake Session | 90 minutes | $270 - $285

    • Extended Session | 75 minutes | $225 - $240

    • 2-Hour Session | 120 minutes | $380 - $400

  • Sessions are typically weekly or biweekly, based on the treatment plan. The first session is an intake session, and the clients have the option of a 75-minute or 50-minute session afterwards.

    • Psychotherapy Session | 75 mins | $220 - $250

    • Intake Session | 90 mins | $250 - $300

    • Extended Session | 90 mins | $250 - $300

  • This unique 90-minute to 120-minute session structure aims to screen for ADHD, anxiety, and/or depression and provide psycho-education on symptoms and treatment.

    • Screener Session | 90 to 120 mins | $380 - $400

  • This program serves clients who do not have health insurance, whose health insurance provides inadequate mental health benefits, or patients who cannot afford current standard rates for psychotherapy services.

    Currently Waitlisting

  • Peer supervisions are offered to professionals practicing the controlled act of psychotherapy or working towards their registrations. Peer supervision meetings can be on regulatory, ethical, or therapeutic topics within the scope of psychodynamic psychotherapy. Peer supervision is not considered an acceptable form of supervision for college registration purposes.

    • Standard Consultation | 50 mins | $160

    • Extended Consultation | 75 mins | $240

We believe in serving your mental health needs using clinical evidence-based treatment approaches fitted to your unique human experience.

We offer individual, couples, and family therapy in the Greater Toronto Area and beyond.