First Name
Last Name
Middle Name
Preferred Name (If Different)
Date of Birth
Mobile Phone
Home Phone
Please provide the patient's current mailing address:
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Health Card Number
Guardian (If Applicable)
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone
Emergency Contact Relationship
Family Doctor
Family Doctor Phone (If known)
Family Doctor Email (If known)
Name of Referring Professional (If Applicable)
Referring Professional's Phone (If known)
Referring Professional's Email (If known)
How did you hear about us?
Reason for Referral
Medical Diagnosis
Medical Treatment History
Mental Health Diagnosis
Mental Health Treatment History
Mental Health Family History
Please provide the medication names, dosage, and frequency.
Patient Symptoms
Please check the symptoms the patient is experiencing in the present or has experienced in the past.
Compulsive Thoughts
Obsessive Thoughts
Suspicious Thinking
Paranoid Thinking
Manic Episodes
Depressive Episodes
Panic Attacks
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
Physical Issues
Sexual Issues
Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances
Past Neurological Diagnosis
Perceptual, Attention, Concentration, and Memory Disturbances
Mood Swings
Night Sweats/Terrors
Additional Patient Symptoms
Please check the symptoms the patient is experiencing in the present or has experienced in the past.
If the patient is experiencing any of the following and needs urgent support, please call 9-1-1, ask the patient to go to the nearest emergency department, or guide them to call local crisis and emergency service lines.
Suicide Ideation
Suicide Attempts
Suicide Plan(s)
Violent Behaviour/Safety Concerns
Legal Involvement
If the patient answered yes to above additional symptoms, please describe the symptoms, circumstances, or cause factors at the time and if they are experiencing any of them at present.
How would you describe the patient's level of engagement in the habits of drinking, smoking, or substance use, past or present?
How would you describe the patient's level of engagement in the habit of gambling, past or present?
How would you describe the patient's level of their daily caffeine intake, past or present?
How would you describe the patient's level of engagement in exercise, past or present?
How would you describe the patient's eating habits, past or present?
How would you describe the patient's level of engagement sleep and relaxation, past or present?