Jeff Driscoll, BSC, BEd, RP (Qualifying)
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Originally entering the world of therapy through work as a peer counsellor for LBGT individuals, I have broadened my perspective for the subjective experience of others through work with neurodivergent individuals, refugees, and individuals from a wide range of perspectives. I have extensive work and experience helping individuals move beyond the experiencing of traumatic experiences towards post traumatic growth, and in this capacity have fused somatic based distress tolerance approaches with psychodynamic insights into meaning making.
My work as a yoga instructor and classroom teacher has propelled me to enhance our ultimate potential in a way that focuses on collaboration with patients in a strength based way. This psychodynamic exploration connects the “floor” of psychological issues related to childhood insights and meanings as supported in object relations, self psychology, attachment based and Adlerian concepts through a depth psychology. When combined with the psychodynamic logotherapy approach of Victor Frankl that explores our capacity to move above and beyond our "ceiling” of possibility, we can explore all the parts of our life experience.
I have experience working with adolescents, adults, seniors and couples, in a way that combines this integration of psychodynamic perspectives.
Sessions with Jeff
I highly prize the relationship with my patients as the foundation of creating meaning based driven work in the therapeutic approach, so begin intakes with a thorough exploration of childhood and lifestyle dynamics, in a way that fosters unconditional regard for my patient. The initial assessments involve an exploration of current symptomlogy through the use of evidence based assessment tools. During subsequent sessions, I focus on exploring past dynamics that created meaning making, and defenses or resistances that get in the way of moving forward in life. This process provides insight into how to proceed with evidence based psychodynamic intervention strategies to help the patient navigate their world, and gain insight into how they view themselves, others and the world. Through the integration of existentialist analysis into sessions, I help patients discover what is meaningful for them, and how to maximize and move with greater meaning making in their daily life, above and beyond symptom reduction. I engage in continual ongoing assessment as we continue our work together, to explore the depth of suffering and how to move towards greater life joy through insight. In work with couples, I adopt an approach which requires individual sessions with partners to gain insight into their own attachment and childhood based unconscious issues, to help fuel our work together moving forward to create and sustain a healthier and happier relationship.
Registration & Professional Memberships
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO)
Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT)
Member, College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario (CPBAO)
Member, Ontario Psychological Association (OPA)
Member of the Canadian Association For Psychodynamic Therapy
Member of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology
Registered Yoga Instructor (500 RYT Hours)
Master of Psychology (Candidate), Adler Graduate Professional School
Certificate in Psychology from Toronto Metropolitan University
Bachelor of Education in Social Sciences and Biology (Primary/Junior and Secondary) at the University of Toronto
Bachelor of Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland
Professional Development Diploma in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
Contemporary Explorations in NeuroPsychodynamic Psychotherapy
ADHD and ASD Certifications from EverGreen
Existential Well-being Counselling: A Person-centered Experiential Approach
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
Emotion Focused Couples Therapy
7-Step Crisis Training Intervention Training Program
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Trauma
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
Somatic Training for Trauma with Pat Ogden